Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Findings

With the new year fast approaching I have found some new apps that I can't wait to use and earn money and products just by logging in my gym time!!
First one is gym-pact, you get paid for going to the gym, BUT if you don't go you PAY!  What a great way to stay motivated with your gym goals.  They don't yet have the app for droid users but expected to have one in January 2013, so I am excited to get this.
Second one is, sync up with foursquare and everytime you check in you get points!!!  Points to redeem at places like BodyRock which I cannot wait for, as well as tons of other products.
I have already signed up for earndit, and received 15 points just for heading to the gym for cardio!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Holidays are OVER

Yes this is a time for celebration for me.  Today I will be cleaning out the fridge and dumping all of the bad food in the house.  Then it will be food prep time.  Looking forward to starting off 2013 with a bang, hell I have to, April 13th will be right around the corner and this girl wants to do a show.

Never Too Late

Saturday Motivation